艾意凯(L.E.K. Consulting)-名企导航

About us

L.E.K. Consulting is a management consulting firm. Headquartered in London and Boston, MA (for its US counterpart) , L.E.K. was founded in 1983 by three individual partners from Bain & Company: James Lawrence, Iain Evans, and Richard Koch. The company’s primary service lines consist of corporate strategy, mergers and acquisitions, and operations. It employs a generalist model across all major industries, including a large presence in defense, aviation, life sciences, healthcare, energy, entertainment, transport, retail, consumer products and financial services. The company also has a large private equity practice.

It employs over 1,200 individuals across 19 offices worldwide,  and in 2017, was ranked as the most desirable management consulting employer for MBA students, as well as the 2nd most desirable employer overall for MBA students.

In 2012, the company was also ranked as amongst the Top 25 of the world’s most challenging companies to interview for.

关于艾意凯(L.E.K. Consulting)

艾意凯咨询公司是一家国际一流的管理咨询机构,于1983年由贝恩策略顾问公司的三位合伙人:理查德·库奇、伊恩·埃文斯和詹姆斯·劳伦斯成立。该公司总部设于英国伦敦,在全球21个办事处拥有超过1500名顾问。作为一家合伙企业,艾意凯咨询公司采用人资事业服务模式(Generalist Model),为客户企业提供管理策略、行业经验、合并收购等,以供应泛亚乃至全球的项目需求。该公司专门开发大型领域之业务,如私募股权基金、国防、航空与旅游、生命科学、医疗保健、能源(煤炭、电力、可再生能源)、娱乐、运输、建材及工业品、零售、消费品以及金融服务。而艾意凯咨询公司的咨询占据了富时100指数的三分之一,是唯一上市的英国策略管理咨询公司。


艾意凯(L.E.K. Consulting)-名企导航

About us L.E.K. Consulting is a management consulting f

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