京东集团-International Management Trainee 国际管培生

公司: 京东集团, 京东金融, 京东商城
JD’s International Management Talent (IMT) program grooms the next generation of leaders at JD.com (Nasdaq:JD) with a 3-year tailor-made development plan. The program offers full-time positions to graduating MBA candidate from top global business schools. IMT candidates undergo a 10-month rotation in JD’s diversified business units to gain an all-round view of the industry. JD.com also makes sure that the small group of trainees gets excellent access to C-suite executives and VPs who can mentor and provide hands-on advice. The program has been developed around strategic projects proven to efficiently accelerate the professional growth of IMTs in JD.
IMTs rotate and learn from top professionals in the following segments:

 Purchasing and sales across different categories
 Warehousing and delivery
 Importing & exporting
 Customer service
 Big data and cloud computing
 Consumer finance
 Insurance
 Payment solutions
 Supply chain finance

– MBA degree graduating before August, 2018 and looking to join full time
– Great career vision and strong ambition
– Determined, self-motivated and passionate
– Exceptional leadership and interpersonal skills
– Capable of performing under high pressure
– Adaptable to different cultures and working environments
– Two-years or more relevant working experiences
– Fluent in both English and Chinese